Final Project: Stage 4

I have began working on the actual map now that my data has been acquired. I am looking at the mortality rates of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in 1980, which is the first year anyone had been diagnosed in the continental United States. I have created my shape-files and joined them with the text and .CVS files. I have also gotten my map to be smaller by focusing on just the counties in California, which is also where the first diagnosis took place.

I have attached the map of just California by the separation of counties. I have been working with the attribute table and code book to identify the racial differences and then I will be creating separate layers to use color and identify each county and the predomination of each race. Ideally I will be able to separate each county individually, however, I fear that time may not be on my side.

Eventually I will be implementing this map into a story map, with additional data so it may be easier to read and view at the same time.
