Superfund in Omaha Dublin Core Title Superfund in Omaha Description A collection of historical documents illuminating the history and effectiveness of the Superfund Program in the Omaha Lead Site Collection Items Omaha Lead Site-map-EPA 2009 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Kansas City, KS. 13 May 2009 CERCLA Section 107: Liability James Florio December 11, 1980 Asarco sale raises suspicions: The government sees a plot to skip out on site cleanups; the company says it is restructuring to remain in business. Nancy Gaarder August 26, 2002 Final Record of Decision: Decision Summary, Omaha Lead Site U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VII May 2009 US Pays Asarco $15M To End Nebraska Superfund Cleanup Dispute Juan Carlos Rodriguez December 12, 2012 United States of America and State of Nebraska v. Union Pacific Railroad Company and Union Pacific Corporation: Consent Decree The United States District Court for the District of Nebraska June 1, 2011 In re: ASARCO LLC, et al. Amended Settlement Agreement and Consent Decree THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS CORPUS CHRISTI DIVISION March 13, 2009 Lead cleanup plan in Omaha criticized Nancy Gaarder January 16, 2009 United States of American and State of Nebraska v. Gould Electronics Inc. Consent Decree United States District Court for the District of Nebraska June 1, 2011 US and the State of Nebraska v. Union Pacific Railroad Co., Union Pacific Corp., and Gould Electronics Inc. Complaint The United States District Court for the District of Nebraska June 1, 2011 View all 11 items