Stage 2, Emma Reed

What are the spatial patterns of immigration influx into Berlin, Germany from 2010-2022, and how do these patterns correlate with factors such as economic opportunities, housing affordability, and transportation infrastructure (I’m still debating which of these I want to look at)? This timeline provides a comprehensive view of immigration trends over the past decade as it encompasses both the European Migration Crisis of 2015 and the Ukraine-Russia conflict. It begins in 2010 to allow for a baseline analysis of Germany’s immigration politics before the Migration Crisis. The study will focus on the capital city of Berlin as Germany is a global leader in progressive immigration and refugee policy. By exploring Berlin, one can apply these findings to other cities or nations looking to increase their own immigration policies.

            Some potential sources include previously used/created datasets on ArcGIS. I could also use publicly available data from sources such as the Federal Statistical Office of Germany, UNHCR, or the World Bank’s Development Indicators dataset. Census data from Germany will also prove useful.

            For the presentation of the final project, I will create an interactive web map which will allow for the exploration of the spatial patterns of immigration influx into Berlin from 2010 to 2022. 

            This project contributes to scholarship by documenting immigration tends. It contributes to the understanding of urban demographic changes and social integration processes. It also highlights spatial disparities in immigration settlement and allows for a comparative analysis of different geographic areas within Berlin.

One Reply to “Stage 2, Emma Reed”

  1. This sounds like a great project and a feasible plan provided 1. you can read German, 2. the datasets exist. If the former is not an issue, I would spend some time in the next week looking for the data you need. It likely exists, and based on what I know about European data, is likely public. You should also set up a meeting to talk with me about this project.

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