Final Project: Stage 4

I have began working on the actual map now that my data has been acquired. I am looking at the mortality rates of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in 1980, which is the first year anyone had been diagnosed in the continental United States. I have created my shape-files and joined them with the text and .CVS files. I have also gotten my map to be smaller by focusing on just the counties in California, which is also where the first diagnosis took place.

I have attached the map of just California by the separation of counties. I have been working with the attribute table and code book to identify the racial differences and then I will be creating separate layers to use color and identify each county and the predomination of each race. Ideally I will be able to separate each county individually, however, I fear that time may not be on my side.

Eventually I will be implementing this map into a story map, with additional data so it may be easier to read and view at the same time.

Stage 2

This research project will cover the entire country of Germany. I will look into population statistics of both the East and West during the years 1986-1992. This research will be displayed in a storymap to demonstrate the radical change in population after the massive event that was the collapse of the Berlin Wall. Possible sources for the information would be the German census from the respective years. Other sources would be various micro censuses conducted in each region of Germany due to there not being a massive in Germany after 1970 until the year 2011. Another primary and secondary source would be the University of East London and other sources that discuss internal migration in Germany during the 20th century.

Stage 1

My final project will encompass the entirety of Germany. My scale will be the years 1986-1992. I will focus on the population change in East and West Germany before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

My research question is as follows: How was the population of East and West Germany impacted by the collapse of the Berlin Wall? I want to answer this question because I am fascinated with the aftermath of communist failure and how many people sought to find citizenship in the capitalist world once they were free to do so.

Stage 4, Emma Reed

I just finished adding in all my data to QGIS so this weekend I will start working in ArcGIS and making my story map. I already have plenty of sources and previous knowledge on the topic so writing the paragraphs should be no problem.
